O’Neil’s impressive wordplay is most evident on “Paper Planes,” which uses paper as a symbol of both the naiveté of childhood and the jadedness of growing up. Over a touching beat that’s half Jackson 5 playfulness and sentimental piano twinkle, O’Neil hits hard a number of times – “I used to run just for fun / Now I hurry all the time,” “Innocence was bliss but maturity had found me / But now I kinda wish it didn’t / Because I’m conscious of the vicious system / That’s responsible for apathy and cynicism,” while offering vividly depicted memories of his childhood.
— Tom Mantzouranis for Glorious Noise
My man Ryan-O’Neil is a beast on the mic. He is a well rounded, naturally gifted emcee, as well as one of the most chill dudes I know. On this project, what stands out most to me is the monstrous presence of his voice and his smooth delivery. His deep voice is so ill that I feel like he could just spit off some non-rhyming gibberish and still sound incredible. Of course, he happens to be nice with the lyrics, too.
— Jake Lefco on Adam Bernard’s Rap Review.com